
Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files stored by a visited website on the user's device's storage. Cookies serve different purposes and have various expiration dates.

Some cookies are called "session cookies" and expire after the user closes the web browser. Other cookies are called "persistent cookies" and are retained for a set period. Upon visiting a website repeatedly, the user's web browser reads any retained persistent cookies and supplies the information back to the website or element that installed the cookie.

The cookies that we use fall into several categories.

“Essential cookies” enable important features, such as accessibility. Without them website may not function properly. Since essential cookies are necessary to deliver our services safely, you may not refuse them. If, regardless of security concerns, you decide you do not wish to receive essential cookies from us, you may block or delete them by changing your web browser settings.

We also use third-party Google Analytics cookies. These are called "Statistical cookies" and they collect information that is used in aggregated form to help us understand how the visitors navigate and use our website. They help us to improve our websites in order to enhance your browsing experience. Statistical cookies are not related to personalized marketing offers.

This is a detailed list of cookies that we use:

Name Description Expiry period
Strictly necessary cookies
PHPSESSID storing user session data Session
Functionality cookies
lang storing user selected language 10 days
cookie_consent_level storing cookie settings and permissions 1 year
cookie_consent_user_accepted storing cookie settings and permissions 1 year
cookie_consent_user_consent_token storing cookie settings and permissions 1 year
Tracking cookies
_ga visitor statistics collection Google Analytics 1 year
_ga_DGY7ZTK8J8 visitor statistics collection Google Analytics 1 year

How to delete cookies or change the preferences?

If the user wishes to limit or forbid the acceptance and storage of cookies on their devices, or to delete the cookies already saved, such actions can be performed by using the web browser's settings.

You can set your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or be notified when a cookie is downloaded. Your device's operating system may contain additional cookie controls. If you do not want cookies to collect information, opt out of cookies in your browser settings.

Our website contains links to websites of other companies or organizations. Please note that SA Narva Haigla is not responsible for the content of such websites, or for the privacy policies used by them. So, if you visit other websites, you should inquire separately about their privacy policy.

These provisions may be changed without notice as we comply with the laws governing the use of cookies and consider the generally accepted practices related to the use of cookies.


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